dapentryCheat Sheet


  • CCircle, holdAltfor point to point
  • RRectangle
  • LLine, hold
    Shiftfor axis alignment
  • PPolygon, selected Polygon will be extended, hold
    Shiftfor axis alignment, Polygons in loops are always extended
    Backspaceto delete points (for current step)
  • WText There's only one font atm.
  • H Toggles an objects Helper status
  • DelDelete selected object. If other objects use this object, they will be deleted too.
  • Ctrl+Z Undo


  • GMove, hold
    Shiftfor axis alignment
  • SScale, hold
    Shiftto scale uniformly
  • TRotate


  • Tab will switch to glomping when some tools are active
  • Repeatedly Tab to cycle through objects that support it. Cycle ends with glomping mode off.


  • Select a steps byclicking it.
    Shift to select a region. The drawing will only be drawn up to the last step in the selection
  • to advance the drawing one step. Loops will be iterated accordingly. You cannot go backwards.
  • Delete a step by clicking the x-button
    Steps depending on the deleted step will be removed as well.
  • With an object selected click the filter-button to only show the steps that use the selected object.

Editing Steps

  • Select a step to edit it.
  • Input values to change the drawing. Input Datafield names to make a step depend on data
  • Drag and Drop Data fields or properties on input fields
  • Change the name field in create steps ro rename an object


  • Use expressions wherever you can enter a value
  • (, ), +, -, *, / are supported
  • Functions on lists
    • max(<list>) - maximum value
    • min(<list>) - minimum value
    • size(<list>) - number of entries
    • avg(<list>) - average
    • median(<list>) - median


  • Select Steps and click Loop to wrap them in a Loop

For Each

  • Use a value list as the iteration data of a Loop. It will be automatically turned into For each.

    works for typing the field name and drag and drop.
  • Current value is accessed using $<list>
    drag and drop will do this automatically


  • Login to use the library
  • Save the drawing by clicking the
    save to lib-button
  • Insert a drawing from the library by clicking the drawings image. Then drag a rectangle.
  • Edit a drawing from the library by clicking the
    save to lib-button


  • Publish the drawing by clicking the
    save to lib-button You'll get a zip-file containing everything to use the drawing on your own web page.


  • Select the object by clicking on it
  • Fill color is set by the color picker.
  • Fill opacity is set by the slider to values between 0-1
  • Stroke color sets the outlines color
  • Stroke width sets the thickness of the oulinte to values between 0 and 100
  • Styling steps are created. Subsequent steps of the same type are merged.


  • Add a new data field by clicking the +-button below the list
  • Change the value by either entering it or holding Ctrl while clicking into the field and dragging the mouse left and right
  • Double click the name to rename the field.
  • Click the +-button at the end of a field to add a value. Single value fields will be turned into lists.
  • Empty a value to remove a value from a list. Will not work for single value fields.
  • Turn a field into a table by clicking the new line-button.
  • Remove a data field by clicking the --button
  • CSV-files can be uploaded by dragging and dropping onto a data field. Header with column names and comma as separator are expected

Object Properties

  • Properties can be used as data.
    Select an object and they are listed on the right.
    drag and drop on the step field or
    type <object name>@<property name> e.g. Circle1@radius